what is humidity?
Humidity is the amount of moisture present in the air.
Absolute Humidity is the amount of moisture present in a particular volume of air, and is normally measured in grams/cubic meter.
Relative Humidity on the other hand, is the relationship between the actual amount of moisture present and the maximum amount that the air could contain. Relative humidity is always measured as a percentage. Inappropriate levels of relative humidity give rise to a wide range of potential problems in industrial processes and commercial operations of virtually all kinds.
How does a Munters dehumidifier work?
The basic idea of the Munters desiccant drying wheel (rotor) is very simple: Air is blown though the rotor structure and the humidity in the air is absorbed by the desiccant impregnated in the honeycombe media that forms the rotor structure. The air leaves the rotor much drier than when it entered.
A drive motor turns the rotor around slowly (6-10 times an hour). The rotor structure passes a separate sector where hot (reactivation) air is blown through the rotor to remove the accumulated moisture. The resulting wet air (which contains the removed moisture) is blown away outside.
The rotor consists of a corrugated fiberglass structure which contains hygroscopic material (desiccants such as silica gel or lithium-chloride)
Health, Safety and Hygiene for customers is essential to Munters which is clearly reflected in the design of the rotors. Our rotors are continuously tested, independently, and have most recently been proven by The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology to have both bactericidal and fungicidal properties.