SMAC distributer for Munters in Africa

Dry Bulk Storage

SMAC distributer for Munters in Africa

Storage of raw materials, part finished and finished products benefit from a fully climate controlled environment.

Year-round stable humidity control in dry storage areas will prevent condensation, improve powder flow and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.

We have a range of desiccant dehumidifier solutions for storage in chilled stores, tent stores and for products pneumatically transported and stored in silos and during haulage.

General Storage
Apart from some fluids, most products are insensitive to fluctuations in temperature whereas variations in relative humidity have a destructive impact. By controlling the humidity and keeping the storage climate constant year-round, a high product quality will be maintained, hygiene is improved, waste can be reduced and a longer shelf life is secured.

Hygroscopic Examples:

• Powders
• Salts
• Ingredients
• Plastics

Benefits of Dehumidification:

• Ensures quality of product
• Improves product flow
• Reduces product waste
• Prevents ingredient lumping and build-up
• Reduces production stops for cleaning
• Decreases drying time after sanitation

A Munters dehumidification climate controlled storage facility offers:

– Constant storage climate around the year
– No condensation disturbing product quality
– Improved hygiene (poor growth conditions for mould and fungus at low relative humidity)
– Optimum usage of installed cooling performance

SMAC distributer for Munters in Africa

Dry air protection in silos

Protect bulk powders and sensitive goods such as flour, sugar, salt and cereals from damp air and moisture damage in silos and pneumatic transportation systems.

Condensation and humidity in silos and pneumatic transport system costs thousands due to additional cleaning, product waste and mold growth.

Adding Munters desiccant dehumidifier solutions to silos and pneumatic transportation systems, the bulk products will remain free flowing, reducing waste and the need for costly cleaning.

In silos the dry air will prevent condensation in the top of the silo, hereby avoiding mold and contaminating condensation dripping onto the product.

Dry bulk handling

Dry bulk handling dehumidification

Storing dry bulk materials in silos or transporting powders in pneumatic conveying systems can be problematic. Reduced product quality, lost production, blocked pipes, and a need for intensive regular equipment maintenance are common requirements. Lower productivity and higher production costs are the result.

Operators of silos or conveying systems are often aware of the effects of excessive moisture. Relative Humidity (RH) levels are difficult to counteract as they change throughout the day and season.

Pneumatic conveying is also affected by increases in air pressure, as this also increases the likelihood of condensation forming. The moisture regain due to condensation causes many ingredients and powder that would otherwise convey smoothly, to stick together. As a result, these products build-up in conveying lines.To minimize the effects of product build-up, mechanical devices such as vibration pads, hammers etc., are often fitted to bulk handling equipment prior to delivery. However, this approach does not solve the core problem and, as a result, the powders still lump together.

SMAC rate of mould growth

Protection year round:

Munters provides the preventive solution by controlling the relative humidity and the dewpoint of the air. (The dewpoint is the temperature at which moisture starts to condense out of the air onto the walls or products.)

Munters desiccant dehumidifiers effectively control humidity, both in double and single-wall silos. They have been widely used to prevent condensation and other moisture-related problems. By preventing lumps forming in the first place, there is no need for “mechanical solutions”A RH of 65% or higher will often cause mould growth. Dehumidifiers keep the air inside silos at a safe humidity, thus preventing sanitation and handling difficulties arising during storage. Many smaller manufacturers and end users use Munters systems to secure the right humidity conditions for transported and stored powders.

silos storage Munters

Silo Storage:
Hygroscopic materials such as sugar, cocoa, starch, salt, chemicals, flavourings, etc., are frequently stored in silos or holding bins.

A high moisture content or condensation on the walls due to fluctuating outdoor temperature and humidity causes bacterial growth and solidifies the powder and chemicals on the silo walls. Moisture from the air inside the silo is absorbed by the ingredients. This also causes the material to lump together and results in handling difficulties.

Conveying and unloading:
When hygroscopic ingredients and powders absorb moisture, they became sticky and build up inside conveying lines. the resulting flow problems slow the process, create sanitation concerns and eventually cause costly downtime.Pre-drying the air ensures that products are transported dry. The result is quick and continuous problem-free conveying with no unscheduled production stops. Many high volume manufacturing companies receive their hygroscopic ingredients by truck.

Pre-drying the air used in their pneumatic conveying lines ensures that products are transported dry into silos. The same dehumidified air used for conveying can be delivered into the silo or hopper, and will not cause the ingredients inside to solidify. Munters equipment gives many years trouble free operation.

SMAC distributer for Munters in Africa

With over 17 years of experience in the industry SMAC Enterprises has assisted many clients in various industries by providing air treatment solutions for storage of goods.

Contact SMAC Enterprises today for a complimentary assessment and let our Munters trained air treatment specialists recommend the correct Munters dehumidifier from the Munters Air Treatment range suited for your unique industry.

SMAC Enterprises are the official representatives for the Munters AirTech Division and are sole distributors for Munters dehumidifiers with South Africa and the Southern Africa regions.